Hello it’s Been a While

Not much, how ‘bout you?

Kristin DeMarr


Photo by Walter Brunner on Unsplash

I’ve been absent. It’s been almost three months now!! The longer it got, the harder it became for me to write anything. Anything that I thought people would want to read. It’s kind of funny because I saw one other writer going through similar — a local writer that I know. He discusses writer’s block, procrastination, and imposter syndrome.

While I have not yet joined the Iowa Writer’s Collaborative, I have been slowly picking up new subscribers through Scribente Maternum and through interactions with other Substacks that I read and engage with. With every new subscriber, I felt pressure. Pressure to publish, pressure to make it good. The unnecessary pressure I put on myself contributes to both writer’s block and imposter syndrome. I don’t have the typical writer’s block, but it’s the pressure-induced kind. I have been writing this whole time, abandoning drafts and starting new ones. Because they aren’t “good enough,” or I don’t think it will resonate with others, or I have written into a place I didn’t want to go, or I have way too much explanation of something that others…



Kristin DeMarr
Kristin DeMarr

Written by Kristin DeMarr

Single mom of 4 kids with exceptional needs. Trying to write and keep my shit together. Click to help support me! https://kristindemarr.medium.com/membership

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